

Page history last edited by Dara K. Cepeda 12 years, 10 months ago



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According the the clues we have gotten over the email, did you notice anything “suspicious” about the characters? Why?


Dara:  I have been reading and analyzing the clues..especially the interview to the wife (Golda) .  Every time she answers the questions she sounds like she is “covering up” something.  Besides there are 2 main reason of why she would want to end the life of her husband Simon P. Ano.


1) Simon changed his will making Golda the sole beneficiary


2) She would go out with Mr. Vios (sounds more like they had an affair)


Sheriff sent an email to dornob saying the brake line from the accident was sliced before the accident.  At first the detective said that it might have been something from the road that might have sliced the line, but he indicated that the car was slowly leaking brake fluid so it might have been intentional.


Cesar: Based on the transcript of the interview with Ima Bimbeaux, it doesn't seem like she would have knowingly killed Mr. Ano because 1. She has nothing to gain from his death and 2. She seems like she genuinely cared for Mr. Ano. However, having said that, I did find it a bit suspicious of how she handled the discovery of his “body.” Ms. Bimbeaux claims that she was awoken on the morning of Mr. Ano’s death by loud beeping noises that she thought were coming from her cell phone. It turns out however, the noises were coming from Mr. Ano’s bedroom and she could not find her cell phone anywhere. She claims she ran downstairs into Mr. Ano’s room and discovered him dead. She said this exactly, “Anyway, I realized that the sound was coming from Mr. Ano’s monitors, so I ran down stairs and that is where I found him. I just knew he was dead when I ran in the room, and I didn’t know what else to do so i called 9-1-1.”


Ms. Bimbeaux claims she somehow knew Mr. Ano was dead even though his life support, oxygen and other monitors were all still on. She also states that after she called 911, she turned off all of his support and monitors because as she saw it, “I didn’t see any reason to keep it on, with him being dead and all.”


While I believe that Ms. Bimbeaux did not act maliciously, she should have waited for paramedics and/or law enforcement to arrive before tampering with any evidence by turning off his support and monitors.


When asked about Mr. Ano’s accident in 2000, Ms. Bimbeaux revealed another important clue about how no one knew why Mr. Ano drove into the town of Fishkill on his way to New York City to perform. Mr. Ano claimed that he didn't remember anything except waking up in the hospital. I’m not quite sure what significance this has, but I found it suspicious that no one could explain how or why Mr. Ano drove through Fishkill on his way to New York City.


After reading both transcripts of the interviews with Ms. Bimbeaux and Mr. Haff Note, I can definitely confirm that Ano’s wife Golda had an ongoing affair with Mr. Vios. Both Bimbeaux and Mr. Note referenced several times that Vios and Digger were unusally friendly with each other. While both claim that Golda Digger sincerely cared for Ano, each had reason to believe there was an extramarital affair going on. Ms. Bimbeaux herself claims she noticed Mr. Vios coming downstairs from Ms. Digger’s room at night on several occasions.


On the night before the discovery of Mr. Ano’s body, Bimbeaux states that Vios and Digger were still awake as she went to bed. After discovering Mr. Ano’s body in the morning, Bimbeaux states that Vios and Digger came downstairs giggling and after they became aware of Mr. Ano’s death, Digger started crying hysterically.


In the interview with Mr. Note, I noticed that he seemed oddly nervous about the whole thing. It’s hard to say if it’s coming from suspicious activity or from his bipolar disorder. Mr. Note reveals to the interviewing officer that the pills found in Mr. Ano’s bedroom on the morning of the death were his. He said this about the pills, “I guess they fell out of my pocket on the day before I came to visit Simon.”


Both Ms. Bimbeaux and Mr. Note claimed that Mr. Ano was extremely depressed after his accident in 2000 and wanted to die. Mr. Ano felt that if he couldn’t make music anymore, he had no reason to continue living. Ms. Bimbeaux states that she once overheard Mr. Ano begging his wife Golda to kill him with some pills that she had. Bimbeaux elaborates that Golda was extremely saddened by his requests and refused to do what Ano asked of her. Mr. Note said, “Even asked her to kill him several times. But, she said she would never do that.” However, both Bimbeaux and Note claim that Ano was recently happy again. Another composer by the name of Les Makadee had recently visited Ano and was talking about airing a concert. Mr. Note believes this to be the reason why Ano’s mood was recently lifted.


In the interview with Mr. Note, it was discovered that Mr. Ano was in a three way partnership with Mr. Vios and Mr. Note. Note states that while all three were musicians, Mr. Vios handled nearly all the financial aspects of the business while Ano and Note handled the music side. Note states that both Ano and himself trusted Vios completely. Mr. Note reveals that their business was very successful and even refers to them, “Raking in the dough.”


August 16, 2007 8:30 am - Detective Dornorb was contacted by the chief police.


The victim's (Simon P. Ano) fingernails and lips were blue. Ventilator and dialysis machine were off upon arrival of detective. (Were they turned off before or after death??). A sound was coming from Ano's body (baclofen pump).



-Cellphone under Ano's bed with a message from "Honey Bear": Finally gotcha 8/16 7:01 am 229-533-9520.

-Two additional medications were found in the room. First medication under the name of Golda Digger (08/12/07) with only 5 out of 30 capsules left. The other under the name of Haff Note (7/26/06) with 108 out of 120 capsules left.

-Letter from "Flag House". The company was not able to deliver equipment until next month.

-Email from Ask a Librarian chat



Based on the interviews and the clues that I have read it seems that the most “suspicious” characters are Digger and Vios. Ima seems to be just ingenuous and seems to be telling the truth in the interview. Although Haff appeared to be very nervous during the interview,  he as well as Ima stated that Digger and Vios had an ongoing affair. So far, according to the clues, it appears that Digger and Vios are the most suspicious, since Vios was who managed the financial aspects in the bussiness and Digger was the only  beneficiary on Simon's’ will.


I’m a bit lost, I gotta say I didn’t get some clues but 3 interviews.  But it is great that we all have different perspectives in this murder mystery case.  Once I read the other clues I’ll be able to understand the whole crime scene  :)


We are doing great..by the way make sure you share this document every time you add something.  You can do it by clicking “Share” on the blue button placed on the top right hand side.


Let’s keep it up 13th floor Team!!


Feb. 17, 2012.  


In our meeting on collaborate (blackboard) last night (2-16-12), we discussed about P. Ano murder mystery case.  We talked about the clues given to each of us and discussed our point of views about the case and suspects.  Each one of us discussed all the clues.  After discussing we all agreed that all clues point more to Haff Note.  He has a strong reason why he would end with the life of P. Ano.  They’d been best friends since kids, but we feel Haff Note has always been Jealous of his lucky- famous life, even though Haff Note was and still is rich.  We feel he planned the murder plot by intentionally using the other characters for his perfect murder plan.  


We also discussed about how we will be presenting our case by using web 2.0 tools.  We haven’t decided which tool but it will be one of these Three: Window Movie Maker, or Voice Thread, or Yodio.  Since we only have 3-4 minutes to present we feel we need to record our voices with picture slides.




We decided this weekend Cesar will be working on the Powerpoint that will be posted to the Case Wiki. Rene will be exploring the Web 2.0 tools discussed to choose the right tool. Cristina will be recording our meeting times and discussions and I (Dara) will keep working on the 13th Floor Wiki Page.  


At the end of our meeting we decided to meet again on Monday (2-20-2012) via Blackboard Collaborate at 6:30 pm to share updates in Powerpoint and our team presentation.


I took a few minutes to look over the evidence today and found a few more clues that point to Haff Note as the primary suspect. Something about the medicine bottles kept bugging me. When interviewed about the pill bottle that was found in Ano’s room, Note states that he must have accidentally dropped them. When I took a closer look at the bottles, I noticed that the prescription was dated for 7/06/06. That medicine was prescribed a full year before Ano was found dead and there were still 108 capsules remaining.


The prescription of Eskalith, or more commonly known as Lithium, was intended to treat Note’s bi-polar disorder. Could it be that since Note wasn’t taking the Lithium properly, that it might have spurred some erratic behavior on his part? What if his bi-polar disorder was left unchecked and allowed to consume him with thoughts of jealousy and hatred for his former friend?


That’s not even the half of it either. Emails between Les Maka Deel and Note just two days before Simon’s death confirm what we suspected. In his email, Note doesn’t appear to be as enthusiastic about his former friend’s comeback as one would expect. As Deel beams with joy over the concert, Note can only dwell on thoughts of how he, “Never thought Simon would be back after the accident.”


Something else that seemed a bit odd was the discovery of a note written on a picture by a Melissa Schoeling to Haff Note. Schoeling tells Note that he should have won Homecoming King and not Ano. This is further proof that Note couldn’t stand to be Ano’s second best his whole life.








Rene Rodriguez: Simon P. Ano, a great musician, a devoted husband, and a true friend. But on

August 16, 2007 Mr. Ano was found deat at his home. The nurse that took care of him said she

checked his machine and that his vitals were fine before she went upstairs. The police did find

her cell phone next to Mr. Ano’s body. The police questioned her but could not find a reason

why she would murder her boss. The police also did find two medicine bottles next to the

body. One bottle belonged to Golda Digger, Mr. Ano’s wife. She is only beneficiary that will

receive Mr. Ano’s wealth if something should happen to him. The police questioned her about

their relationship and about her whereabouts when Mr. Ano was found dead. She said she was

upstairs with Mr. Ano’s partner Mr. Vios. She explained that Mr. Vios and she were discussing

business opportunities for about an hour. Then they came down and saw that the nurse was

distraught about something. Mr. Vios was also questioned and he said that he was the last one

to talk to Mr. Ano that night. The police questioned him about his relationship to Golda since

they were always together everywhere. He said Mr. Ano was very upbeat about getting back

into the music business with a program called soundbeam. He also said he left home

afterwards. The other medicine bottle belonged to Haff Note, another business partner of Mr.

Ano’s. When questioned by police he seemed to be nervous, always stuttering. He said he had

visited Mr. Ano almost on an everyday basis and that the medicine bottle might have fell out.

He went on to say that Mr. Ano and him have been friends since elementary and that he was

happy to see Mr. Ano upbeat about soundbeam. We looked at the evidence one more time

and we noticed that Golda’s medicine bottle had only five pills. Even thought she had just

gotten the prescription 4 days before Mr. Ano was murdered. The bottle had 30 pills when she

received it and her dosage was only once a day. 25 pills in 4 days? After all the interviews and

evidence we agree that Mr. Haff Note is responsible for Mr. Ano’s murder. Even though Haff

Note was Ano’s closest friend, he was always jealous of Mr. Ano’s achievement’s. Haff Note

always played second fiddle to Simon and never got the recognition he desired. Haff Note felt

that he would never get the recognition as long as Simon was alive. Mr. Haff Note was taking

medication for being bipolar yet his medicine bottle was only missing twelve pills. His

prescription was given to him last year and the dosage was twice a day. If he only used twelve

pills in one year then he must have been very unstable when he committed the murder. How

did he do it? Since Goldas medicine was missing 25 pills he had to have used her pills to drug

Simon and make it seem that Golda murdered Simon.


I took a few minutes to look over the evidence today and found a few more clues that point to Haff Note as the primary suspect. Something about the medicine bottles kept bugging me. When interviewed about the pill bottle that was found in Ano’s room, Note states that he must have accidentally dropped them. When I took a closer look at the bottles, I noticed that the prescription was dated for 7/06/06. That medicine was prescribed a full year before Ano was found dead and there were still 108 capsules remaining.


The prescription of Eskalith, or more commonly known as Lithium, was intended to treat Note’s bi-polar disorder. Could it be that since Note wasn’t taking the Lithium properly, that it might have spurred some erratic behavior on his part? What if his bi-polar disorder was left unchecked and allowed to consume him with thoughts of jealousy and hatred for his former friend?


That’s not even the half of it either. Emails between Les Maka Deel and Note just two days before Simon’s death confirm what we suspected. In his email, Note doesn’t appear to be as enthusiastic about his former friend’s comeback as one would expect. As Deel beams with joy over the concert, Note can only dwell on thoughts of how he, “Never thought Simon would be back after the accident.”


Something else that seemed a bit odd was the discovery of a note written on a picture by a Melissa Schoeling to Haff Note. Schoeling tells Note that he should have won Homecoming King and not Ano. This is further proof that Note couldn’t stand to be Ano’s second best his whole life.



Student's name

Simon P. Ano, a great musician, a devoted husband, and a true friend. But on August
16, 2007 Mr. Ano was found dead at his home. The nurse that took care of him said she
checked his machine and that his vitals were fine before she went upstairs. The police did find
her cell phone next to Mr. Ano’s body. The police questioned her but could not find a reason
why she would murder her boss. The police also did find two medicine bottles next to the
body. One bottle belonged to Golda Digger, Mr. Ano’s wife. She is only beneficiary that will
receive Mr. Ano’s wealth if something should happen to him. The police questioned her about
their relationship and about her whereabouts when Mr. Ano was found dead. She said she was
upstairs with Mr. Ano’s partner Mr. Vios.

She explained that Mr. Vios and she were discussing business opportunities for about
an hour. Then they came down and saw that the nurse was distraught about something. Mr.
Vios was also questioned and he said that he was the last one to talk to Mr. Ano that night.
The police questioned him about his relationship to Golda since they were always together
everywhere. He said Mr. Ano was very upbeat about getting back into the music business
with a program called soundbeam. He also said he left home afterwards. The other medicine
bottle belonged to Haff Note, another business partner of Mr. Ano’s. When questioned by
police he seemed to be nervous, always stuttering. He said he had visited Mr. Ano almost on an
everyday basis and that the medicine bottle might have fell out.

He went on to say that Mr. Ano and him have been friends since elementary and that
he was happy to see Mr. Ano upbeat about soundbeam. We looked at the evidence one more
time and we noticed that Golda’s medicine bottle had only five pills. Even thought she had just
gotten the prescription 4 days before Mr. Ano was murdered. The bottle had 30 pills when she
received it and her dosage was only once a day. 25 pills in 4 days? After all the interviews and
evidence we agree that Mr. Haff Note is responsible for Mr. Ano’s murder. Even though Haff
Note was Ano’s closest friend, he was always jealous of Mr. Ano’s achievement’s. Haff Note
always played second fiddle to Simon and never got the recognition he desired. Haff Note felt
that he would never get his shot at fame as long as Simon was alive.

The trio was going to make very good money with this concert but when Golda found
an email stating that Simon was going to give all the proceeds from the concert to the a charity
that’s when things went sour for Mr. Note. Mr. Haff Note was taking medication for being
bipolar yet his medicine bottle was only missing twelve pills. His prescription was given to him
last year and the dosage was twice a day. If he only used twelve pills in one year then he must
have been very unstable when he committed the murder. How did he do it? Since Goldas
medicine was missing 25 pills he had to have used her pills to drug Simon and make it seem
that Golda murdered Simon.


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